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Tao means road, path, the "Way" in which we act, similar to a doctrine or principle. The "TAO" program is designed to support positive mental wellbeing and is the main aim of AsOne:Ed. The weekly sessions encourage the participants to reflect on 4 emotions (Anger, Fear, Sadness and Happiness). The foundation of the program is introspection, reflection and adjustment. The theory suggests that by examining destructive emotions  and strengthening positive emotions, equanimity is cultivated (Goleman.D 2004). Mental stability is acquired through clarity and enhanced understanding of both body and mind. A personal emotional diary will be used to support the student and to act as a guide in the reflective process that helps shape the cultivation of each student mindset (Dweck.C 2017).

The "TAO" program is designed to bring understanding, focus and clarity to mind, body and energy. Building foundations in awareness, fortitude and resilience through a combination of education, sport, art and philosophy. The 72 sessions are split into 3 sections containing 4 modules with 4 learning outcomes. The sessions are  delivered over 3, 12 week terms consisting of 2 day attendance at AsOne:Ed. Each session works on developing emotional intelligence, and each section is supported by Sociological and Philosophical theory, designed to follow cognitive developmental theory. The program scaffolds personal development within the students as the spiral curriculum develops stages of growth in mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Aligning with the theory that 'play is a tool for learning' (Vygotsky.L 1933) "TAO" uses the creative expression in Martial Arts, the psychological aspect of Martial Science, and the unique training methods of Wing Chun Kung Fu to support the process of self-expression and the potential to develop free from mental instability, and responding appropriately using emotional intelligence. 

Known in some circles as the greatest garden to exist, Eden carries with it the sense of creation. As we create our world around us from our senses, the use of emotional intelligence can enhance and balance our perceptions, leading to clearer personal views of our world. Emotional instability can lead to mental fatigue, imbalance and hypersensitivity (Hanson.R, Mendius.R 2009) by cultivating positive emotions, mental/physical techniques and greater understanding, it is possible to withstand external and internal pressures (Hanson.R, Mendius.R 2009).  

"EdEn" is our outreach program taken from "TAO" and has been designed to cultivate positive wellbeing through developing personal emotional awareness. Over the 12 sessions specially constructed modules align raising awareness, strengthening resilience and developing fortitude to support positive mental health and well-being. AsOne:Ed supports the core principles of Personal and Professional Development, the ethos of 'Every Child Matters' and is within the context of the P.S.H.E curriculum.
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